Spectroscopic analyzing instrument is consist of opto-electronic and spectrometer, and Chemometrics is applied to predict quantitative estimates of substances in a way of nondestructive measurement. Engineered by leading professionals in opto-electronic and analytical chemistry, Sunforest NIR spectroscopy is doing best efforts to satisfy requirements from both experts and general users.
Sunforest effectively optimized optional sensor mechanism by computerized design simulation, and owns exclusive algorithm intimately cooperated with the NIR spectrscopy instrument and provides precise alaysis of light spectrum.
Using sunforest’s packaging technology, we are pursuing high precision, miniaturization, and low cost by integrating and modularizing various optical components such as light sources and spectrometer sensors on a single board. By converting them into single component, we can use them as modules for other applications such as mobile devices and medical instruments for biological diagnosis as well as produce quality assessment.
Color-difference signal provides useful information of subject materials. Sunforest's RGB optional sensor identifying a constituent of materials, is used in the instrument of acidity measurement, chromatography, fruit ripeness judgement.